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 David Jeffries In The Press 

Man Charged In Uber Driver’s Death Was Defending Himself, Attorney Claims

November 13th, 2017

Defense attorney David Jeffries said, “Mr. Kosugi is not the cause of the very unfortunate, tragic outcome.”

Kosugi’s attorney said the fact that Tolk was able to drive means that his client’s blow to Tolk’s head didn’t kill him.

Prosecutors believe the violent attack disoriented the West New York grandfather – a claim echoed by Mateo hours after Tolk’s death.

“If he wouldn’t have gotten hit, he wouldn’t have died. So we don’t know the reason for his death was, but we believe it’s associated with the blow he took to the head,” Mateo said Sunday.

Kosugi’s lawyer said Tolk was not following “the rules of the road,” and that is what led to Kosugi hitting the car with the stick.

While it is not clear what words were exchanged during the confrontation, the defense claims Tolk started it — though Tolk apparently did not have a weapon in hand.

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David Jeffries Speaks On The Bail System and Poverty


At 16, Kalief Browder was accused of stealing a backpack. While maintaining his innocence, he spent three years at Rikers Island because his family couldn’t post bail. After his case was dismissed and he was released from prison, the trauma of his prison experience including months of solitary confinement weighed heavily on him, and at 22, he took his own life. Right now over 500,000 people sit in jails across the country because of their inability to pay bail. This Sunday on “Represent NYC,” Manhattan Community Board 10 Chair Brian Benjamin talks with Metropolitan Black Bar Association President Jason Clark, 100 Suits for 100 Men Founder Kevin Livingston and Principal Lawyer David Jeffries about the unjust methods of determining bail and why the system is in desperate need of reform. “Represent NYC” airs every Sunday at 7pm and repeats on Wednesdays at 9pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33), MNN’s HD Community Channel (TWC 1993) or streaming live on